Friday, May 7, 2010

I chose this photo for attractive, because in my eyes, cows aren't very attractive animals. I tried to make this more vibrant to make the focal point the cow, rather than the background. With the pictures I took I wanted the pictures to relate to one another, so this is somewhat my before picture, and the one below is the after.

I chose this for repulsive because of this is sorta the "after" of the cow. The cow is now repulsive when it's sitting on two buns. This burger from mcdonalds is exactly how i bought it, i did nothing to make it look more disgusting. I didn't apply any filters to the photo, just changed the lighting a bit

I chose this photo for attractive, because in my mind skating isn't an attractive thing, people frown upon skaters still and I just wanted to incorporate the before and after photos here too. I did an overlay and a screen to make the photo pop.

This is the after effects of skating, I have scars on my elbows from when i've fallen, but i emphasized them by using the paintbrush and burn tool