Friday, May 14, 2010

ICUP Funny Colors

I used this picture for two reasons. The color is white, and it represents peace and purity. I also used this photo because the budist monk or whatever he is, represents purity also. I played around with the colors, and used a easy blur effect.
I chose this picture for green. Green represents nature and life, and overall energy. I really wanted to stay away from just plants, so as soon as i saw this guy, i knew what my picture was going to be. I blurred the background to make the forground standout.
Zoe was my Model, I used blue because it represents a calm mood. I blured out the background as best as i could so it didn't grab your attention over zoe and the blue object hanging. I like this picture because of intensity of the blue.
The color I chose was black. Black represents power and authority, I used a low shot to give me a better sense of Authority, The photoshop effects i used here were just Color balance, I darkened the sky from blue to make it more grey to give more sese of black.